Policies & Disclosures
Gnomon makes every effort to assist students in understanding their rights and responsibilities during their enrollment at Gnomon. Gnomon reserves the right to add, modify or remove a policy at any time and students are responsible for familiarizing themselves with all updated policies and procedures.
These policies and procedures are not intended to outline every process that takes place at the School. In addition to Gnomon policies, all students, faculty, staff, and visitors are expected to comply with local, state, and federal laws while on campus.
Reservation of Rights
The purpose of this policy is to outline Gnomon’s rights regarding institutional changes and to comply with California regulations.
Contact Information
Student Affairs: studentaffairs@gnomon.edu
Policy and Procedure Overview
Gnomon reserves the right to make changes to tuition fees, scheduled dates of courses, course offerings, instructors, policies, and procedures in accordance with the California Code of Regulations (CCR) and California Education Code (CEC).
These changes are implemented to enhance the quality of the educational experience, align with accreditation and regulatory requirements, or adapt to institutional needs.
Notification of Changes
Students will be informed of significant changes to tuition fees, policies, or major course offerings in writing at least 30 days before the changes take effect. Notifications will be sent via the official student portal, email, or in the student handbook.
Denial of Enrollment and Withdrawal of Students
Gnomon reserves the right to deny enrollment in courses to any student and to withdraw any student whose conduct, financial standing, or academic performance fails to comply with the policies, rules, and standards of Gnomon as outlined in the Student Catalog.
Bankruptcy Statement
Gnomon declares the following:
- Gnomon has no pending petition in bankruptcy.
- Gnomon is not operating as a debtor in possession.
- Gnomon has not filed a petition for bankruptcy within the preceding five (5) years.
- No petition in bankruptcy has been filed against Gnomon within the preceding five (5) years that resulted in reorganization under Chapter 11 of the United States Bankruptcy Code.
Students' Right to Know
Gnomon is committed to providing students, their families, and the campus community full disclosure of all consumer information as required by state and federal laws and regulations. The laws are intended to satisfy Students’ Right To Know and afford the opportunity for students to make fully informed choices regarding the institution they elect to attend. Below is some of the information that is required for disclosure.
- Accreditation
- Admissions Process
- Academic Calendar & Important Dates
- Academic Programs
- Campus Security Policies
- Disability Services & Accommodations
- Grievances & Complaints
- Housing
- Clery Act Housing Disclosure
- Family Education Rights & Privacy Act
- Tuition & Cost of Attendance
- Payment Requirements & Fees
- Financial Aid
- Transfer Credit Policies
- Student Support Services
- Student Conduct Policies
- Title IX
- Grading Policies
- Placement Support & Alumni Engagement
- Graduation Rates
- Graduation Requirements
- Termination, Dismissal & Suspension
- Cancellations, Withdrawals & Refunds
Additional information can be found on this website or in the Program Student Catalog. Paper copies are available upon request.
Gnomon is accredited by the Accrediting Commission of Career Schools and Colleges (ACCSC). ACCSC is recognized by the United States Department of Education as a private, non-profit, independent accrediting agency that provides accreditation to institutions that are predominantly organized to educate students for occupational, trade, and technical careers.
ACCSC’s mission is to serve as a reliable authority on educational quality and to promote enhanced opportunities for students by establishing, sustaining, and enforcing valid standards and practices which contribute to the development of a highly trained and competitive workforce through quality career-oriented education.
Gnomon has been recognized by ACCSC as a 2014-2015 and 2018-2019 ACCSC School of Excellence.
ACCSC Contact:
2101 Wilson Boulevard, Suite 302
Arlington, Virginia 22201
Phone: 703.247.4212
Fax: 703.247.4533
- 2024 Digital Production Graduation and Employment Chart
- 2024 Bachelor of Fine Arts Graduation and Employment Chart
Bureau for Private Postsecondary Education
Approved by California
Gnomon, Inc. (Gnomon), a private institution, located at 6150 Laurel Canyon Blvd., Suite #100, North Hollywood, CA 91606 was granted approval to operate an accredited institution from the Bureau for Private Postsecondary Education pursuant to California education code. The Bureau’s approval means that the institution and its operations comply with minimum state standards as set forth in the California Private Postsecondary Education Act of 2009.
BPPE Contact:
Mailing Address:
Bureau for Private Postsecondary Education
P.O. Box 980818 West Sacramento, CA 95798-0818
Physical Address:
Bureau for Private Postsecondary Education
1747 North Market Blvd., Suite 225 Sacramento, CA 95834
Phone: (916) 574-8900
Toll Free: (888) 370-7589
Main Fax: (916) 263-1897
Licensing Fax: (916) 263-1894
Enforcement/STRF/Closed Schools Fax: (916) 263-1896
Bureau for Private Postsecondary Education website: bppe.ca.gov
School Performance Fact Sheet
Prior to enrollment, Gnomon provides students with a School Performance Fact Sheet related to the educational programs offered.
- 2022 — 2023 Certificate in Digital Production Performance Fact Sheet (PDF)
- 2022 — 2023 Bachelor of Fine Arts in Digital Production Performance Fact Sheet (PDF)
Annual Reports
Among the oversight activities carried out by the Bureau to ensure that covered institutions operate in accordance with the law, the Bureau requires institutions to submit an Annual Report as a part of the ongoing compliance program. The Annual Report is due by December 1st of each year and is required to include specific information related to the educational programs offered by the institution in the reporting period.
- 2023 Annual Report – Institution (PDF)
- 2023 Annual Report – Digital Production for Entertainment (PDF)
- 2023 Annual Report – Bachelor of Fine Arts in Digital Production (PDF)
- 2025 Gnomon Viewbook (URL)
- 2024 Gnomon Brochure (PDF)
- 2023 Gnomon Viewbook (PDF)
- 2022-2023 Gnomon Brochure (PDF)
- 2021-22 Gnomon Viewbook (PDF)
- 2020-21 Gnomon Viewbook (PDF)
- 2020-21 Gnomon Brochure (PDF)
Completion/Graduation Rates
- 2023 Completion and Graduation Rates Disclosure (PDF)
- 2024 Summary of Graduation and Employment Statistics ACCSC
Gnomon is required to post and distribute graduation and completion rates based on data submitted annually to the Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS). The information provided is made available through the College Navigator. For more comprehensive information, Gnomon invites you to review the completion and graduation rates as reported to our accreditor ACCSC and to the Bureau for Private Postsecondary Education. The links are on this page above.
Disability Services & Accommodations
This policy ensures that Gnomon provides students with disabilities equal access to its educational programs and opportunities in compliance with applicable state and federal laws, including the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973.
Contact Information
Accessibility Coordinator: studentaffairs@gnomon.edu
Policy and Procedure Overview
Commitment to Equal Access
Gnomon does not exclude, deny benefits to, or otherwise discriminate against any individual with a qualifying disability under Section 504 or the ADA. Disabilities may include learning, physical, medical, mobility, sensory, psychological, and certain temporary disabilities. Reasonable accommodations are provided to qualified individuals, provided they are not unduly burdensome or do not fundamentally alter the nature of the service, program, or activity.
Definition of Disability
As defined under Section 504 and the ADA, an individual with a disability is a person who has a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities, including learning.
Requesting Accommodations
1. Initiating a Request
Students seeking accommodations or services must:
- Contact the Accessibility Coordinator at studentaffairs@gnomon.edu.
- Submit a completed Request for Accommodations form.
Provide verification documentation from a certified or licensed professional, such as a physician, health care provider, qualified evaluator, neurologist, or psychologist/psychiatrist. Documentation must:
- Include the professional’s credentials.
- Be current and dated within the past three (3) years unless the condition is permanent.
2. Verification Documentation
Documentation should be comprehensive and provide clear evidence of a disability. Examples of helpful documentation include:
A statement from a certified professional detailing:
- · Current disability and diagnostic history.
- · Anticipated prognosis (if applicable).
- · Symptoms and their frequency/severity.
- · Impact on major life activities (e.g., communicating, learning, walking).
- · Recommended accommodation or strategies.
- Neuropsychological or educational evaluations.
- Educational records, such as a high school IEP or 504 Plan (dated within the past three years).
Accommodation Review Process
1. Submission and Review
- Students must submit all documentation to the Accessibility Coordinator in a timely manner.
- Accommodation requests are typically reviewed within two (2) weeks of submission.
- Requests submitted during Week 9 or Week 10 of the term will generally be reviewed for implementation in the subsequent academic term.
2. Approval and Notification
- Once eligibility is established, the student will meet with the Accessibility Coordinator to discuss reasonable accommodations.
- Approved accommodations are detailed in an Accommodations Letter, which the student presents to the relevant faculty.
- Accommodations are reviewed quarterly.
Important Notes
- Retroactive accommodations are not provided.
- Faculty members cannot provide accommodations without an official written request from the Accessibility Coordinator.
All discussions and documentation regarding disability accommodations are confidential.
Prior Accommodations History
Prior accommodations (e.g., IEP or 504 Plan) do not automatically guarantee accommodations at Gnomon. Students must submit updated verification documentation to establish eligibility.
Students are strongly encouraged to submit accommodation requests at the start of the term to ensure timely review and implementation.
Animals on Campus
Gnomon is committed to providing equal access to educational opportunities and campus resources in compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and other applicable laws. This policy outlines the rights and responsibilities of individuals who utilize service animals on campus and applies to all areas where students, faculty, staff, and visitors are permitted, including classrooms, labs, outdoor spaces, and on-campus events.
Contact Information
Student Affairs: studentaffairs@gnomon.edu
Policy and Procedure Overview
Misrepresenting an animal as a service animal is prohibited and may result in disciplinary action, including warnings, dismissal, fines, or other penalties under college conduct policies. Misrepresentation could result in the animal being immediately removed from campus at the student’s expense.
Service Animal: A dog (or, in limited cases, a miniature horse) that is individually trained to perform specific tasks for an individual with a disability. The tasks must be directly related to the disability.
- Service animals are not pets but working animals.
- No vest or special identification is required for service animals.
- Assistance Animal: An animal designated by a healthcare provider to provide passive emotional or physical support. Assistance animals are not allowed in campus buildings or events.
- Therapy Animal/Emotional Support Animal (ESA): These animals are not trained to perform tasks and are not allowed on campus, as Gnomon does not offer on-campus housing.
- Pet: Any animal that does not meet the above definitions is considered a pet and is not permitted on campus.
- Owner/Handler: The individual responsible for controlling the service animal.
- Individual with a Disability: A person with a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities.
Service Animals on Campus
Service animals are allowed in all areas where their handler is permitted, except where the animal’s presence may compromise health or safety (e.g., mechanical rooms).
Control Requirements
Service animals must be under the handler's control at all times, typically using a leash or harness unless it interferes with the animal's work.
Health and Safety Requirements
- Vaccinations: Service animals must have current vaccinations (e.g., rabies) and proof must be provided upon request.
- Licensing: Service animals must comply with local licensing regulations.
Care and Supervision
The handler is responsible for all costs related to the care and supervision of the service animal, including:
- Feeding, grooming, and waste disposal.
- Ensuring the animal does not disrupt the educational environment.
- Exclusion of Service Animals
Gnomon may remove or deny access to a service animal if:
- The animal is out of control and the handler does not regain control.
- The animal is not housebroken.
- The animal poses a direct threat to the safety of others.
- The animal’s presence fundamentally alters a program or service.
Procedures for Registering a Service Animal
Individuals with disabilities, including regular visitors who utilize service animals on campus, are encouraged to voluntarily complete the Service Animal Registration Form with Disability Services.
- Proof of vaccination and local licensing in accordance with California law, must be submitted during registration.
- Upon registration, students will receive a courtesy document from Disability Services verifying their right to be accompanied by their service animal on campus. While this document is not required to be shared, students may choose to present it to members of the campus community. As part of the registration process, individuals may be asked whether the service animal is required due to a disability and what specific tasks the animal has been trained to perform.
- This registration allows Disability Services to provide formal documentation of the service animal's presence in various campus settings. It also ensures that relevant campus partners are informed to facilitate safety and emergency support for both the animal and the student.
Owner/Handler Responsibilities
- Keep the service animal under control at all times (e.g., leash, harness, or voice control).
- Prevent the animal from engaging in disruptive behavior (e.g., barking or jumping).
- Clean up after the animal and dispose of waste properly.
- Cover any costs related to damages caused by the animal.
- Ensure the service animal is not left unattended for long periods or during breaks.
- Follow city, county, and state ordinances/laws or regulations pertaining to licensing, vaccination, spaying/neutering, and other requirements for animals.
- Be responsible for all costs associated with the removal, transportation and/or boarding of the animal, should the College determine the need to remove the animal.
Campus Community Responsibilities
- Do not pet, feed, or distract a service animal.
- Do not separate an owner/handler from their service animal.
- Allow service animals to accompany their handler in all permitted spaces.
Grievance Procedure
Students who believe they have been unfairly denied permission to bring a service animal to campus can file a grievance through Disability Services.
To file a grievance:
- Contact the ADA Coordinator at 323.466.6663 or email studentaffairs@gnomon.edu.
- Provide a one-page statement explaining the issue, why the decision was incorrect, and the desired outcome.
Violations and Disciplinary Actions
Minor Infractions
- Animal not leashed (without justification).
- Failure to clean up after the animal.
- Unauthorized presence in prohibited areas.
- First Violation: Verbal/written warning and policy review.
- Second Violation: Probationary monitoring or temporary removal of the animal.
Moderate Infractions
- Repeated minor violations.
- Disruptive behavior (e.g., barking or jumping).
- Failure to control the animal.
- First Violation: Written warning and educational session on responsibilities.
- Second Violation: Removal of the service animal for a set period.
Severe Infractions
- Aggressive behavior (e.g., biting or charging).
- Health risks (e.g., an unvaccinated or sick animal).
- False representation of an animal as a service animal.
- Immediate removal of the service animal.
- Formal notification of the removal and follow-up meeting with Disability Services.
- Permanent removal for severe or unresolved issues.
Appeals Process
- Appeals must be submitted in writing to Student Affairs within five (5) business days of receiving the violation notice.
- The Conduct Committee will review and issue a final decision within 30 business days.
Reporting Violations
Reports of service animal violations may be submitted to studentaffairs@gnomon.edu and should include incident details, dates, and supporting evidence.
Emergency Removals
If a service animal poses an immediate threat, the Los Angeles Department of Animal Services may be contacted for removal. The handler is responsible for associated costs.
Anti-Retaliation Statement
Gnomon prohibits retaliation against any student or employee who reports an issue, files a complaint, or requests an accommodation under this policy. If retaliation is suspected, contact the Title IX Coordinator at studentaffairs@gnomon.edu or (323) 466-6663.
Modifications to the Policy
Gnomon reserves the right to modify this policy to ensure compliance with legal requirements and campus safety.
External Support and Resources
1. Los Angeles County Department of Public Health – Veterinary Public Health Program
Phone: (213) 288-7060
Email: vet@ph.lacounty.gov
LA County Veterinary Public Health
2. Disability Rights California
Phone: (213) 213-8000
Disability Rights California
3. U.S. Department of Justice – ADA Information Line
Phone: (800) 514-0301
ADA Information
Academic Transcripts & Education Verification Letters
This section outlines the process for requesting official transcripts and education verification letters, including applicable fees and policies regarding transcript issuance.
Contact Information
Registrar: registrar@gnomon.edu
Student Accounts: studentaccounts@gnomon.edu
Policy and Procedure Overview
Gnomon maintains an official academic transcript for each student, detailing all courses, grades, and credits earned.
Transcript Issuance Policy
In accordance with California regulations, Gnomon adheres to the following guidelines:
- Gnomon will not refuse to provide an official transcript for a current or former student due to an outstanding debt.
- Gnomon will not condition the provision of a transcript on payment of any debt, aside from the fee specifically charged for the transcript.
- Gnomon will not charge a higher fee or impose unfavorable treatment of transcript requests based on a student’s outstanding debt.
- Transcript issuance will not be used as a debt collection tool.
Requesting Official Transcripts and Verification Letters
- Fee: $25.00 USD per official transcript or education verification letter.
- Payment may be completed via credit card or PayPal by contacting studentaccounts@gnomon.edu.
- Processing Time: Standard requests are processed in the order they are received. Expedited processing is available for an additional fee.
Request Methods
- Email Request: Email the Registrar’s Office at registrar@gnomon.edu to request an official transcript or education verification letter.
- Student Web Portal Request: Log into the Student Web Portal and navigate to the "Student Services" tab to submit a transcript request online.
Additional Notes
Transcripts and verification letters may be sent electronically or in hard copy, depending on the recipient’s requirements. Requests for rush orders will incur additional fees and should be specified at the time of the request.
Housing Accommodations
Gnomon provides resources to help students identify housing options near the campus, although it does not offer on-campus housing or dormitories.
Contact Information
Student Affairs: studentaffairs@gnomon.edu
Policy and Procedure Overview
Gnomon does not operate on-campus housing facilities or control any apartment communities. However, Gnomon has partnered with Kapi Residences to assist students by providing information on off-campus, furnished housing options in nearby neighborhoods, such as North Hollywood and Burbank.
Kapi Residences offers a range of rental options, which vary depending on the type of unit and the number of roommates sharing an apartment. As of January 2025, rental rates range from $1,195.00 to $2,450.00 per person, per month. These rates are subject to change.
Gnomon has also developed a Housing & Visitor’s Guide, which includes detailed information about Kapi Residences and other local housing options.
Additional Resources
For information on housing costs in Los Angeles, students can explore:
Additionally, the average monthly rent for a one-bedroom apartment in Los Angeles is between $2,695.00 and $2,900.00 USD (source: RentCafe and Zumper).
For detailed cost of living information, visit Expatistan.
Student Code of Conduct
Gnomon expects all students to conduct themselves professionally during off-campus activities. The Student Code of Conduct applies to all school events and activities, whether on or off campus.
Gnomon does not endorse or guarantee the accuracy of the information provided on third-party websites listed in this policy. These resources are offered solely as a courtesy to assist students in their housing search.
Clery Act Housing Disclosure
To provide students with information about housing accommodations and the applicability of Clery Act reporting requirements for properties offering housing to Gnomon students.
Contact Information
Student Affairs: studentaffairs@gnomon.edu
Policy and Procedure Overview
Gnomon does not own, operate, or control any campus or non-campus student housing or apartment property. As a result, properties offering housing to Gnomon students are not classified as "non-campus" properties for the purposes of Clery Act crime statistics reporting.
Each apartment property sets its own housing policies and fees. Gnomon does not provide security for any apartment property. Each apartment property is solely responsible for determining and implementing its own safety protocols, including surveillance systems, lighting, and emergency response procedures.
Student Responsibility
While Gnomon does not oversee housing security, students are encouraged to:
- Review the security policies and measures of their chosen apartment property.
- Inquire about emergency response protocols and safety features.
Students experiencing safety concerns or incidents at their off-campus residences should report these issues directly to local law enforcement. Gnomon’s Student Affairs Office is available to provide guidance or referrals to additional resources.
Crime Reporting and the Clery Act
Under the Clery Act, Gnomon is required to report crimes occurring:
- On Gnomon’s campus.
- On public property immediately adjacent to the campus.
Off-campus apartment properties used by students are not monitored or included in the Annual Security Report (ASR) because Gnomon does not own, lease, or maintain significant control over these locations.
The Non-Discrimination Policy outlines Gnomon’s commitment to creating an inclusive, equitable, and respectful environment, free from discrimination, harassment, and bias in all its programs, activities, and operations.
Contact Information
Title IX Coordinator/Executive Director of Student Affairs and Services: Carmen Munoz
6150 Laurel Canyon Blvd., Suite #100, North Hollywood, CA 91606
323.466.6663 | carmen.munoz@gnomon.edu
Policy and Procedure Overview
Gnomon prohibits discrimination in its admissions, programs, activities, and employment practices based on:
- Race, color, national origin, or ancestry
- Sex, gender, gender identity, gender expression, or sexual orientation
- Disability (physical and/or mental)
- Age, religion, or medical condition
- Veteran status, marital status, or any other characteristic protected under institutional policy or federal, state, and local law
This policy applies to all aspects of Gnomon’s operations, including but not limited to:
- Recruitment, hiring, and employment practices
- Admissions, academic programs, and financial aid
- Participation in services, events, or benefits sponsored by Gnomon
Compliance with Applicable Laws
Gnomon adheres to the following federal and state laws and regulations, ensuring the protection of all students, employees, and applicants:
- Title VI and Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (as amended): Prohibits discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, or national origin
- Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972: Prohibits sex-based discrimination in federally funded education programs and activities
- Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973: Prohibits discrimination against individuals with disabilities
- The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA): Ensures equal access for individuals with disabilities
- Age Discrimination Act of 1975: Prohibits age-based discrimination in federally funded programs
- California SB-195 Equity in Higher Education Act and SB-493: Strengthens protections for students against discrimination and harassment
- Any additional state or federal regulations related to equal opportunity and non-discrimination
Commitment to Equity and Inclusion
Gnomon is dedicated to fostering a multicultural and inclusive environment that reflects and respects the diversity of its community. Efforts include:
- Providing training and resources on cultural competency and bias prevention
- Offering reasonable accommodations for individuals with disabilities
- Conducting periodic reviews of institutional policies to promote inclusivity and compliance
Reporting Discrimination
Gnomon encourages all students, employees, and community members to report incidents of discrimination or harassment.
Reports can be made:
- In person or by mail to the Title IX Coordinator’s office
- By phone: 323.466.6663
- By email: carmen.munoz@gnomon.edu
Reports may also be made anonymously; however, anonymous reporting may limit the College's ability to fully investigate and address the issue.
Investigation Process
Once a report is submitted, Gnomon will:
- Conduct a prompt and impartial assessment of the reported issue
- Provide supportive measures to ensure continued access to education or employment
- Ensure the investigation process complies with relevant legal requirements
- Notify all parties involved of the outcome and any remedial measures
Prohibition of Retaliation
Retaliation against individuals who report discrimination, participate in investigations, or advocate for equal treatment is strictly prohibited. Retaliatory actions include but are not limited to:
- Intimidation, threats, or coercion
- Hostile behavior or adverse academic or employment actions Individuals found to have engaged in retaliation will be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including suspension or termination.
Reasonable Accommodations
Gnomon provides reasonable accommodations to individuals with documented disabilities or medical conditions. Requests for accommodations should be made through the Student Affairs Office.
Examples of accommodations may include:
- Adjustments to coursework, deadlines, or schedules
- Accessible facilities and assistive technologies
- Modified job duties or flexible work arrangements
Additional Resources and External Reporting
Individuals may also file complaints externally with:
Office for Civil Rights (OCR), U.S. Department of Education
San Francisco Office
50 Beale Street, Suite 7200, San Francisco, CA 94105-1813
Phone: 415.486.5555
Email: OCR.SanFrancisco@ed.gov
For further details on how to file an external complaint, visit: www.ed.gov/about/ed-offices/ocr
Gnomon will handle reports of discrimination with discretion, sharing information only with individuals directly involved in addressing the complaint or as required by law.
False Reports
Knowingly submitting false allegations of discrimination or harassment is a violation of this policy and may result in disciplinary action.
Policy Updates
This policy is subject to periodic review and may be updated to ensure ongoing compliance with legal standards and best practices.
Family Education Rights & Privacy Act (FERPA)
The purpose of this policy is to inform students of their rights regarding the privacy and access to their educational records as outlined in the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) and applicable state and institutional policies.
Contact Information
Registrar: registrar@gnomon.edu
Title IX Coordinator: studentaffairs@gnomon.edu
Policy and Procedure Overview
FERPA grants students specific rights related to their educational records, including the right to access, review, and request amendments to their records. It also establishes the conditions under which Gnomon may disclose personally identifiable information (PII) without the student’s prior written consent.
Student Rights Under FERPA
1. Right to Access and Review Educational Records
Students have the right to inspect and review their education records within 45 days of submitting a written request to the Registrar’s Office or another authorized official. The written request must specify the record(s) to be reviewed.
Exempt Records:
Certain records are exempt from student review, including:
- Financial records of the student’s parents
- Confidential letters or recommendations for which the student has waived access
- Records maintained solely by instructional, supervisory, or administrative personnel that are not accessible to others
The Registrar will notify the student of the time and place where the records may be inspected.
2. Right to Request Amendment of Educational Records
Students may request amendments to their educational records if they believe the information is inaccurate, misleading, or otherwise violates their privacy rights.
Submit a written request to the school official responsible for maintaining the record. The request must clearly identify the specific part of the record and explain why it is inaccurate or misleading.
If the request is denied, the student will receive written notification and the right to request a hearing.
Gnomon will provide details about the hearing process if applicable.
3. Right to Consent to Disclosure of Personally Identifiable Information (PII)
FERPA generally requires written consent before disclosing personally identifiable information. However, certain exceptions allow disclosure without consent, such as:
- School Officials with Legitimate Educational Interests: Gnomon may disclose records to school officials, including faculty, administrators, and contractors, who need access to fulfill their professional responsibilities.
- Directory Information: Gnomon may disclose "directory information" unless the student submits a written Non-Release of Directory Information Form to the Registrar.
Directory Information Includes:
- Student’s name, address, email, and phone number
- Date and place of birth
- Major field of study and enrollment status
- Dates of attendance and degrees/awards received
- Participation in recognized activities
- Student photo and the most recent educational institution attended
To opt out, students must complete the Non-Release of Directory Information form available through the Registrar’s Office.
Disclosure of Records Without Consent
Gnomon may disclose education records without consent in the following circumstances:
- Federal and State Officials: Authorized representatives for audits, evaluations, or compliance purposes. Collected data must be protected and destroyed when no longer needed
- Educational Transfers: To officials of schools where the student intends to transfer or enroll
- Financial Aid Agencies: To determine eligibility, aid amounts, or enforcement of terms
- Accrediting Organizations: For accreditation purposes
- Research Organizations: Conducting studies to improve education, provided they safeguard student identities and destroy data afterward
- Health and Safety Emergencies: If necessary to protect the health or safety of the student or others
- Judicial Orders or Subpoenas: If a valid subpoena or court order is issued, the school will notify the student unless prohibited by law
4. Right to File a Complaint
Students have the right to file a complaint with the U.S. Department of Education if they believe Gnomon has failed to comply with FERPA regulations.
Complaint Contact Information:
Family Policy Compliance Office
U.S. Department of Education
400 Maryland Avenue SW
Washington, DC 20202-4605
FERPA Training and Compliance
All staff and faculty with access to educational records receive annual FERPA training to ensure compliance with federal and state regulations. Unauthorized access or disclosure of educational records may result in disciplinary action.
Articulation/Transfer Agreement
Gnomon discloses that it has not entered into any articulation or transfer agreements with other schools, colleges, or universities.
Notice Concerning Transferability of Credits & Credentials Earned at Our Institution
The transferability of credits you earn at Gnomon is at the complete discretion of the institution to which you may seek to transfer. Acceptance of the credits, degree, diploma, or certificate you earn in the Bachelor of Fine Arts in Digital Production program, Certificate Digital Production for Entertainment program, or Individual Courses is also at the complete discretion of the institution to which you may seek to transfer.
If the credits, degree, diploma, or certificate you earn at Gnomon are not accepted by the institution to which you seek to transfer, you may be required to repeat some or all of your coursework at that institution.
For this reason, you should ensure that your attendance at Gnomon aligns with your educational goals. This may include contacting institutions to which you may seek to transfer after attending Gnomon to determine whether your credits, degree, diploma, or certificate will transfer.
Attendance Requirements for On-Campus Students
To outline the attendance expectations and policies for program students, ensuring compliance with institutional and Department of Education mandates.
Contact Information
Registrar: registrar@gnomon.edu
Policy and Procedure Overview
Attendance Expectations
Maintaining consistent attendance is critical for student success at Gnomon. Students are required to:
- Be present and on time for each scheduled class and lab session.
- Remain for the full duration of each class and lab.
- Inform the appropriate faculty or administrative office in advance if an absence is unavoidable.
Faculty Responsibilities
- Faculty members are required to maintain accurate attendance records for all students.
- Attendance records may be subject to periodic audits.
Tardiness and Absences
Students who arrive late may be marked absent at the discretion of the instructor.
Unexcused Absences:
Frequent absences or tardiness may lead to:
- Grade reductions for unsatisfactory participation.
- Potential failure of the course.
- Disciplinary actions such as suspension or termination.
Department of Education Mandates
14-Day Non-Attendance Policy:
- Any student who fails to attend class for 14 consecutive days without contacting or responding to Gnomon will be deemed academically withdrawn.
- Withdrawn students will be subject to the school’s published refund policy, if applicable.
Visitors/Minors On Campus
Gnomon values community engagement and welcomes visitors to its campus while ensuring that all visitors comply with campus policies to maintain a safe, respectful, and professional environment.
Contact Information
Admissions: admissions@gnomon.edu
Policy and Procedure Overview
Visitors may access campus spaces for scheduled appointments, public industry events, or pre-arranged tours. However, visitor access is subject to the following guidelines:
Visitor Guidelines
- Registration: All visitors must check in at the Front Desk and provide valid identification.
- Pre-Scheduled Appointments: Visitors must have a pre-scheduled appointment or RSVP for public events. Drop-in visits are not permitted without prior approval.
- Restricted Areas: Certain spaces, such as classrooms, labs, the library, and the Gnomon Stage, require prior authorization for access. Visitors must follow escort policies when accessing these areas.
- Behavior Expectations: Visitors must adhere to all campus policies. Gnomon enforces a zero-tolerance policy for disruptive or disrespectful behavior. Any visitor who violates guidelines may be denied entry or asked to leave the premises.
Minors on Campus
- Visitors under the age of 18 must be accompanied by an adult at all times.
- Minors may not enter classrooms, labs, or workspaces without prior approval and appropriate supervision.
Scheduling a Visit
To schedule a campus tour or appointment, please contact Admissions. Tours are appointment only.
Additional Notes:
- Visitors attending public industry events must RSVP in advance through event-specific links.
- Unauthorized visitors may be escorted off campus to ensure the safety and privacy of students and staff.
Grievances & Complaints
To provide a clear and accessible process for students to address grievances and complaints in a fair and transparent manner, ensuring compliance with regulatory and accrediting agency requirements.
Contact Information
Student Affairs: studentaffairs@gnomon.edu
School Official Responsible for Grievances
Carmen Munoz, Executive Director of Student Affairs & Services/Title IX Coordinator: carmen.munoz@gnomon.edu
Policy and Procedure Overview
Gnomon encourages open communication between students, faculty, and administration to resolve concerns informally whenever possible. If informal resolution is not possible or the student feels a formal complaint is necessary, Gnomon provides a structured grievance process:
- Right to Voice Grievances: Students have the right to voice concerns without fear of retaliation.
- Fair Treatment: Gnomon ensures that complaints will be fairly reviewed and addressed.
- External Filing: Students are not required to complete Gnomon’s internal complaint process before submitting a complaint to external regulatory or oversight entities.
- No Prevention or Retaliation: Gnomon will not discourage or prevent students from making complaints to external bodies such as the Bureau for Private Postsecondary Education (BPPE) or the Accrediting Commission of Career Schools & Colleges (ACCSC).
Complaint Submission Process
Internal Complaint Process
- Students may submit a formal written grievance to the Student Affairs and Services Office or contact Carmen Munoz directly.
- The grievance should include a description of the issue, relevant dates, and the names of any individuals involved.
- Gnomon will acknowledge receipt of the complaint and notify the student of the steps in the review process.
- A formal written resolution will be provided after the review is complete.
BPPE Notice and Procedure:
A student or any member of the public may file a complaint about this school with the Bureau for Private Postsecondary Education (BPPE) by calling the number below or by completing a complaint form, which can be obtained on the bureau’s website bppe.ca.gov.
Phone: 888.370.7589 | Complaint Form
ACCSC Notice and Procedure:
A student may file a complaint about this school with the Accrediting Commission of Career Schools & Colleges (ACCSC) using the ACCSC Complaint Form. The ACCSC Complaint Form contains useful information regarding filing a complaint with both the school and with ACCSC. Schools accredited by the Accrediting Commission of Career Schools and Colleges must have a procedure and operational plan for handling student complaints. A copy of the Student Complaint Procedure as well as an overview of the complaint process is available via the ACCSC Complaint Review Process Form.
If a student has questions about the complaint process, they are encouraged to contact ACCSC at complaints@accsc.org.
Complaint Process:
All complaints must be received by the Commission in writing. Upon receipt of a complaint, the Commission will forward a copy of the complaint to the school for a response.
- Schools are given a period of time upon receipt of the complaint to prepare a response addressing the alleged areas of non-compliance with the Commission's requirements.
- In all cases, both the school and complainant are notified of the final disposition of the complaint.
Although one possible outcome of the complaint process may be the resolution of a dispute between parties, the Commission does not act as an arbitrator.
Please direct all inquiries to:
Accrediting Commission of Career Schools & Colleges
2101 Wilson Boulevard, Suite 302, Arlington, VA 22201
Phone: 703.247.4212
Website: accsc.org
Commitment to Transparency and Fairness
Gnomon is committed to ensuring that students have access to a fair and equitable grievance process. We encourage students to voice concerns promptly and seek resolution through the available channels to support their educational success.
Course Changes/Cancellations
To outline Gnomon’s policies regarding course changes, cancellations, and associated refunds.
Contact Information
Registrar: registrar@gnomon.edu
Policy and Procedure Overview
Due to the dynamic nature of the industries Gnomon serves, the school reserves the right to cancel or reschedule a course or change faculty members. In the event of such changes, students will be notified via email as soon as possible.
If Gnomon cancels or discontinues a course or educational program:
- A full 100% refund of all charges will be provided.
- Refunds will be processed using the original method of payment within 45 days of cancellation.
Cancellations & Withdrawals
This policy outlines the rights and procedures for students to cancel or withdraw from their program of instruction at Gnomon.
Contact Information
Registrar: registrar@gnomon.edu
Education: education@gnomon.edu
Policy and Procedure Overview
Program Cancellation or Withdrawal
Students may cancel or withdraw from their program of instruction at any time. To do so, students must:
- Complete a Program Cancellation/Withdrawal Request Form, available from the Registrar’s Office.
- Obtain approval from the Director of Education or their designee.
For the purpose of determining withdrawal, a student is deemed to have withdrawn from a program of instruction when:
- The student submits written notice of intent to withdraw to the Registrar.
- The institution terminates the student’s enrollment due to failure to maintain satisfactory academic progress, abide by institutional rules, or meet financial obligations.
- The student does not return from an approved leave of absence.
- The student fails to attend classes for 14 consecutive days.
Cancellation on or Before the First Day of Class
If a student cancels on or before the first day of class, they will receive a refund for all tuition and fees paid, minus the non-refundable confirmation fee of $125.00 USD.
- Cancellation is considered effective when written notice is received by the Registrar.
- Written notice may be submitted electronically, by mail, or in person.
- Refunds will be processed within 45 days and issued using the same payment method as the original transaction.
Cancellation During the First Seven (7) Days After Enrollment
Students may cancel the Enrollment Agreement within seven (7) days after enrollment or through attendance at the first class session, whichever is later. Students will receive a refund for all tuition and fees paid, minus the non-refundable confirmation fee of $125.00 USD.
- Written notice may be submitted electronically, by mail, or in person.
- Refunds will be processed within 45 days and issued using the same payment method as the original transaction.
Termination Policy & Borrower’s Agreement
The Termination Policy & Borrower’s Agreement outlines the circumstances under which a student or Gnomon may terminate an Enrollment Agreement and the student’s obligations regarding loan repayment, regardless of dissatisfaction with services. This policy ensures compliance with institutional requirements and protects the integrity of Gnomon’s educational offerings.
Contact Information
Registrar: registrar@gnomon.edu
Policy and Procedure Overview
Student-Initiated Termination
Students may terminate their Enrollment Agreement by submitting a written notice to Gnomon. The termination request is subject to the terms outlined in the Refunds and Returns section of the Program Student Catalog.
Institution-Initiated Termination
Gnomon reserves the right to terminate a student’s Enrollment Agreement due to:
- Student Conduct Issues: Violations of the Student Code of Conduct or behavioral issues.
- Destruction of Property: Intentional damage to Gnomon property.
- Nonpayment of Tuition: Failure to pay tuition fees according to the agreed payment schedule.
- Unsatisfactory Academic Progress: Failure to meet satisfactory academic progress (SAP) requirements.
- Poor Attendance/Participation: Consistent absenteeism or lack of class participation.
- Failure to Complete Coursework: Inability to complete all required courses before reaching 150% of the credit hours required to complete the program.
Borrower’s Agreement
- Termination of enrollment does not release the student from financial obligations related to federal, private, or institutional loans.
- Students remain responsible for the repayment of any loans, regardless of dissatisfaction with or non-receipt of educational services provided by Gnomon.
- Loan obligations include, but are not limited to, federal grants, private loans, or other financial aid disbursed for enrollment.
Students are encouraged to consult with the Financial Aid Office before terminating their enrollment to understand financial implications, including loan repayment timelines and potential financial penalties.
For further details on refunds, refer to the "Refunds and Returns" section of the Program Student Catalog.
Dismissal & Suspension
This policy outlines Gnomon’s procedures for suspending or dismissing students who fail to meet the institution's academic, financial, attendance, or conduct standards. The policy supports a respectful, accountable learning environment while informing students of their responsibilities and available processes for reinstatement where applicable.
Contact Information
Student Affairs: studentaffairs@gnomon.edu
Policy and Procedure Overview
Grounds for Dismissal or Suspension
Gnomon reserves the right to suspend or dismiss a student for failure to comply with institutional standards, policies, regulations, and rules, including but not limited to:
- Attendance: Consistent failure to meet attendance requirements or unauthorized absences.
- Academic Performance: Failure to maintain satisfactory academic progress (SAP) as outlined in the SAP policy.
- Financial Standing: Nonpayment of tuition, fees, or failure to comply with financial aid agreements.
- Behavioral Conduct: Violations of the Student Code of Conduct, including any behavior that disrupts the academic environment or threatens the well-being of the community.
Probationary Period
In some instances, Gnomon may place a student on probation before issuing a suspension or dismissal. Probation serves as a structured period for the student to correct their academic, financial, or conduct-related deficiencies.
- Written Notification: Students placed on probation will receive formal written notice outlining the reasons for probation and the specific conditions for improvement.
- Guidance and Support: The student may be assigned an advisor or Student Affairs representative to develop a corrective action plan.
- Timeline for Improvement: A specified timeframe will be provided for the student to demonstrate satisfactory progress and compliance.
Reinstatement and Appeal Restrictions
Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) Violations:
Students dismissed for SAP violations cannot reapply for reinstatement until they meet the minimum waiting period as defined in Gnomon’s SAP policy.
Conduct-Related Dismissals:
Dismissals for behavioral violations are final and not subject to appeal. Students dismissed for conduct-related issues are not eligible for re-entry.
Financial Dismissals:
Students dismissed for financial noncompliance may be eligible for re-entry upon full resolution of their outstanding balance and submission of a formal request for reinstatement, if applicable.
Student Responsibilities
Students are responsible for maintaining their academic standing, meeting attendance requirements, complying with financial obligations, and adhering to the Student Code of Conduct.
Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP)
To define the standards and procedures for Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) that all program students must meet to remain in good standing, retain eligibility for financial aid, and complete their program within the required timeframe. SAP standards ensure academic success while supporting students in achieving their educational goals.
Contact Information
SAP Committee: sap@gnomon.edu
Policy and Procedure Overview
Students must meet the following standards to maintain SAP:
1. Qualitative Standard (GPA):
- Students must maintain a cumulative and quarterly GPA of 2.0 or higher.
- Repeated courses are included as the average of all grades received.
- Withdraw (W) grades and Incomplete (I) grades do not affect GPA calculations.
- Students enrolled in programs of more than two academic years must achieve a GPA of 2.0 or higher by the end of their second academic year.
2. Quantitative Standard (PACE):
- Students must complete at least 67% of cumulative credit hours attempted.
- PACE is calculated as completed credits divided by attempted credits.
- Courses with grades of D- or higher count as completed.
- Withdraw (W) and Incomplete (I) grades count as attempted but not completed.
Students must complete their program within 150% of the published credit-hour length:
- Certificate in Digital Production for Entertainment: 147 credits (220 max attempted).
Bachelor of Fine Arts Degree in Digital Production: 180 credits (270 max attempted).
If it becomes mathematically impossible for a student to complete within the 150% limit, they will be withdrawn without the right to re-apply for reinstatement.
Leave of Absence (LOA) & Summer Term Break
To provide guidelines for students requesting an approved interruption in their program of study due to unforeseen circumstances or personal needs, and to outline the specific policy for Summer Term Breaks.
Contact Information
Registrar: registrar@gnomon.edu
Education: education@gnomon.edu
Student Affairs: studentaffairs@gnomon.edu
Financial Aid: finaid@gnomon.edu
Policy and Procedure Overview
Leave of Absence (LOA)
A Leave of Absence (LOA) is an approved temporary interruption of a student’s program of study at Gnomon. Students may request an LOA for reasons including but not limited to:
- Family emergencies and obligations.
- Medical and health-related issues.
- Financial reasons.
- Similar personal challenges or difficulties.
Eligibility and Approval Process:
To request a Leave of Absence, students must:
- Submit the Leave of Absence Request Form to the Registrar no later than ten (10) business days prior to the start of the term.
- Schedule and attend a meeting with the Education Office to discuss the terms and conditions of the Leave of Absence.
Students experiencing emergency situations may be granted additional flexibility regarding the submission of the Leave of Absence Form.
Important Notes:
- A Leave of Absence cannot exceed one (1) term.
- Under no circumstances may a student’s total LOA time exceed 180 days within any four (4) quarter period.
Students are strongly encouraged to consult with the Education Office, Registrar, Student Affairs Office, and Financial Aid Office to understand how an LOA may impact their academic progress, enrollment status, and financial aid eligibility.
Summer Term Break Policy
The Summer Term Break is an approved interruption specific to degree-seeking students enrolled in the Bachelor of Fine Arts (BFA) program.
Eligibility and Approval Process:
To request a Summer Break, students must:
- Submit the Leave of Absence/Summer Break Request Form to the Registrar no later than ten (10) business days prior to the start of the term.
- Schedule and attend a meeting with the Education Office to discuss the terms and conditions of the Leave of Absence/Summer Break.
Students considering a Summer Term Break are encouraged to consult with the Education Office, Registrar, and Financial Aid Office before making a decision to understand the potential impact on their academic and financial aid status.
Important Notes:
- The Summer Term Break applies only to degree-seeking students. Certificate program students are not eligible for a Summer Term Break and must continue their coursework.
- A student’s total time in program interruption, including any Summer Term Break, cannot exceed 180 days within any four (4) quarter period.
Returning from a Leave of Absence (LOA)
To outline the requirements and process for students returning to their program of study after an approved Leave of Absence (LOA).
Contact Information
Registrar: registrar@gnomon.edu
Education: education@gnomon.edu
Policy and Procedure Overview
Requirements for Returning from a Leave of Absence
Students must complete the following steps to resume their studies after an LOA/Summer Break:
1. Contact the Education Office and Registrar
- Notify both offices no later than four (4) weeks prior to the start of the term in which you are scheduled to return.
- Work with the Education Office and Registrar to finalize your new academic schedule.
2. Contact the Financial Aid Office (if applicable)
- If receiving financial aid, contact the Financial Aid Office to re-establish your awards and confirm eligibility.
Students returning from an LOA/Summer Break will resume their studies at the same point in their academic program where they left off prior to the LOA/Summer Break.
Failure to Return from an Leave of Absence
If a student does not return from a Leave of Absence/Summer Break within the approved timeframe:
- The student will be deemed withdrawn from the program.
- The withdrawal will be subject to Gnomon’s published refund policy, and any applicable refunds will be processed in compliance with that policy.
Leave of Absence for International Students
To outline the specific policies and procedures for international students requesting a Leave of Absence (LOA) while maintaining compliance with United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) regulations.
Contact Information
Student Affairs: studentaffairs@gnomon.edu
Policy and Procedure Overview
Regulations for International Students
International students must adhere to the regulations of their nonimmigrant status as outlined by the USCIS. LOA requests for international students will only be approved if they comply with these regulations.
For details, refer to the “Title 8: Aliens and Nationality” section of the USCIS website.
Important Considerations
- Leave of Absence Not Recommended: Due to the complexity of USCIS regulations, LOAs for international students are generally not recommended.
- Status Impact: Taking an LOA may jeopardize the student’s ability to maintain their nonimmigrant status, which could lead to termination of the student’s SEVIS record and other immigration consequences.
Procedure for International Students Considering an LOA
1. Schedule a Consultation:
- International students must set up an appointment with the Student Affairs Office to discuss the implications of an LOA.
2. Documentation Review:
- Provide any required documentation or evidence to determine whether the LOA request complies with USCIS regulations.
3. Approval Process:
- If deemed eligible under USCIS guidelines, the LOA request may proceed with additional review and approval by the Education Office and Registrar.
The grading policy ensures consistent evaluation of student performance based on academic and professional standards. Grades provide a measure of a student’s progress, mastery of subject matter, and preparedness for the industry.
Contact Information
Registrar: registrar@gnomon.edu
Policy and Procedure Overview
Application of Grades and Credits
Gnomon uses a system of letter grades and grade point equivalents to evaluate coursework. Grades are calculated on a 4.3 scale. The Grade Definitions table details the impact of each grade on a student’s academic progress and indicates which marks are included in the cumulative GPA calculation.
Grading Standards
Students are evaluated based on:
- Final or midterm projects or exams.
- Execution and presentation of projects.
- Weekly assignments.
- Participation and professionalism in the classroom.
- Overall improvement demonstrated during the course.
Instructors evaluate student work and assign grades in accordance with their academic and professional judgment. Grades reflect a combination of aesthetic, conceptual, and technical merit as well as a demonstrable willingness to learn.
Plagiarism & Academic Honesty
Gnomon fosters academic excellence by upholding integrity, honesty, and responsibility, ensuring students develop their artistic voice while respecting others' intellectual property and creative contributions.
Contact Information
Education: education@gnomon.edu
Policy and Procedure Overview
Students must uphold the highest standards of academic honesty. While drawing inspiration from other artists is common, plagiarism and improper use of external sources, including generative AI, are prohibited. Academic dishonesty compromises Gnomon’s integrity and may lead to disciplinary action.
1. Plagiarism
Plagiarism occurs when a student presents another person’s ideas, language, or images as their own without proper attribution. This includes:
- Directly copying text, images, or artwork without citing the original source.
- Paraphrasing or restating another’s ideas without acknowledgment.
- Submitting work created by someone else, including commercial purchases or assistance from unauthorized parties, as one’s own.
- Literal replication of another artist’s work without credit, even in visual forms, is considered plagiarism
2. Cheating
Cheating involves unauthorized collaboration or assistance during exams, assignments, or projects. Examples include:
- Using notes or devices during an exam without permission.
- Submitting work completed by another person as one’s own.
- Sharing answers or allowing others to copy your work.
3. Reusing Work
Students may not submit the same work for multiple assignments without prior written approval from all instructors involved.
4. Collaboration and Group Work
Collaboration must be pre-approved by the instructor. For group assignments, students must document individual contributions in a report detailing roles, tasks, and outcomes. Misrepresenting contributions or claiming undue credit is a violation of this policy.
5. AI-Generated Content
The use of generative artificial intelligence tools (e.g., MidJourney, DALL-E, ChatGPT) must align with the following guidelines:
- AI use must be explicitly disclosed when submitting assignments.
- Students must ensure significant original contributions in any AI-assisted work.
- The instructor determines whether AI-generated content is permissible for an assignment. Unauthorized or undisclosed use of AI will be treated as plagiarism.
Consequences for Academic Dishonesty
Violations of this policy may result in disciplinary action determined by a committee of faculty and administrators. Consequences may include:
- A failing grade for the assignment or course.
- Suspension, probation, or dismissal from the program.
The visual effects and game industries value collaboration and creativity, but violations of academic honesty, such as plagiarism, can have long-lasting, detrimental effects on a student’s career.
Reporting and Resolution
Instructors must report any suspected violations to the Education Office. Students will be notified of the reported incident and have an opportunity to present their case to the review committee.
Title IX
This section outlines Gnomon’s commitment to preventing and addressing discrimination based on sex in compliance with Title IX of the Higher Education Amendments of 1972 (20 U.S. Code § 1681(a)). The policy prohibits sex-based discrimination in education programs or activities, including sexual harassment, sexual violence, and other gender-based misconduct.
Contact Information
Executive Director of Student Affairs & Services/Title IX Coordinator
Carmen Munoz
6150 Laurel Canyon Blvd., Suite 100, North Hollywood, CA 91606
Reports may also be made directly to the U.S. Department of Education Office for Civil Rights at OCR.SanFrancisco@ed.gov or 415.486.5555.
Policy and Procedure Overview
This policy applies to all students, faculty, staff, and third parties participating in Gnomon’s programs or activities, including off-campus events and online platforms where Gnomon exercises control. It establishes procedures for reporting misconduct, ensuring impartial investigations, and providing supportive measures for all parties involved.
Definition of Sexual Harassment
Under Title IX, sexual harassment includes:
- Quid pro quo harassment by a Gnomon employee
- Severe, pervasive, and offensive conduct that denies equal access to education
- Sexual assault, dating violence, domestic violence, or stalking
The policy applies to incidents within Gnomon’s control, including off-campus events and academic programs, excluding study-abroad programs.
Non-Discrimination and Anti-Retaliation Statement:
Gnomon does not tolerate retaliation against individuals who report, participate in, or assist with Title IX investigations. Retaliation includes intimidation, threats, and denial of services or access.
Title IX Team
The Title IX team works collaboratively to ensure compliance with Title IX, the Clery Act, and other regulations related to gender-based discrimination and sexual misconduct. The team members receive annual training in trauma-informed practices, legal compliance, and fair adjudication processes.
Team Members and Contact Information:
- Executive Director of Student Affairs & Services/Title IX Coordinator: Carmen Munoz
Email: carmen.munoz@gnomon.edu | Phone: 323.466.6663 - Director of Financial Aid: Chris Freeman
Email: chris.freeman@gnomon.edu | Phone: 323.466.6663 - Student Services Manager: Ashley Ramos
Email: ashley.ramos@gnomon.edu | Phone: 323.466.6663 - International Student Advisor: Cecillee Espanol
Email: cecillee.espanol@gnomon.edu | Phone: 323.466.6663
Each team member is available to provide support, guidance, and additional information regarding Gnomon’s Title IX policies and procedures.
- Sexual Harassment: Includes quid pro quo harassment by an employee, severe and pervasive unwelcome conduct, and incidents of sexual assault, dating violence, domestic violence, or stalking.
- Complainant: The individual who is alleged to be the victim of conduct that could constitute sexual harassment.
- Respondent: The individual who has been reported to have engaged in misconduct.
- Preponderance of Evidence: The standard of proof used in Title IX proceedings (i.e., more likely than not).
Reporting Misconduct
How to Report a Concern:
Reports may be made:
- In Person, By Phone, or Email: Contact the Title IX Coordinator or any Title IX team member listed above.
- Anonymous Reports: Anonymous reports are accepted, but limited information may restrict the ability to investigate thoroughly.
Mandatory Reporters:
Faculty, staff, and administrators are required to report any incidents of sexual misconduct to the Title IX Coordinator, except for confidential roles such as licensed counselors and victim advocates.
External Reporting:
Individuals may also report to external agencies, such as the U.S. Department of Education’s Office for Civil Rights.
Importance of Preserving Evidence
Gnomon strongly advocates victims/survivors of dating violence, domestic violence, stalking, and sexual assault report the incident in a timely manner. Physical evidence is crucial in helping to prosecute assailants. Physical evidence must be collected in a timely manner by a certified medical facility. It is best practice to preserve evidence by not showering, bathing, brushing teeth, changing clothes, or cleaning or otherwise changing the scene, prior to a medical/legal exam. Police officers will provide guidance in preserving items necessary for investigation.
Completing a forensic exam does not obligate a victim/survivor to file a police report, but it does help preserve evidence in the event the victim/survivor decides to file a report at a later time. Preserving evidence may be helpful in obtaining a protection order. Victims/survivors should save evidence such as letters, notes, emails, phone calls, videos, photos, texts, social media postings, computer screenshots, voicemails, or any other form of evidence.
Supportive Measures and Interim Protections
Supportive measures are offered to ensure equal access to educational programs and protect individuals involved. These non-disciplinary services include:
- Academic accommodations (e.g., extensions, schedule changes)
- Counseling services
- Campus escort services
- No-contact directives
- Increased security and monitoring in specific areas
- Temporary leave of absence, if necessary
Accessibility Support: Gnomon provides accommodations to individuals with disabilities or limited English proficiency.
Investigation and Grievance Process
Initial Assessment:
Within five (5) business days of receiving a report, the Title IX Coordinator will conduct an initial assessment to determine jurisdiction and next steps.
Formal Complaint Process:
A formal complaint must be filed by the complainant or signed by the Title IX Coordinator. Steps include:
- Notification: Parties will receive a written notice of investigation detailing the allegations and available resources.
- Investigation: Includes interviews, evidence collection, and preparation of an investigative report.
- Report Review: Parties are given ten (10) days to review and respond to the evidence.
Informal Resolution:
Available for certain cases if both parties voluntarily agree in writing. This process is not available for cases involving sexual assault or employee-respondents.
Hearing Process:
- Conducted live with cross-examination by advisors.
- Hearings may occur virtually to ensure safety.
- Questions about the complainant’s sexual history are prohibited unless relevant to prove consent or identify someone else as the respondent.
At Gnomon, we prioritize the confidentiality of individuals involved in any complaint process, sharing information only on a need-to-know basis. If a complainant requests confidentiality or asks that the College refrain from pursuing action, we will carefully evaluate the request against the need to maintain a safe and secure campus environment.
Title IX Coordinators and Confidentiality
Title IX Coordinators are not confidential resources. While they will handle complaints with sensitivity and share information only on a need-to-know basis, complete confidentiality cannot be guaranteed. According to our policy and procedures, all College employees who become aware of potential policy violations (including sexual misconduct, sexual harassment, sexual exploitation, or sexual discrimination) are required to report this information to the Title IX Coordinator.
If a complainant requests confidentiality, which may limit the ability to conduct a thorough investigation or take disciplinary action, Gnomon will consider this request carefully. We will also balance the need for confidentiality with our responsibility to maintain a safe, nondiscriminatory environment for all students, including the complainant.
In accordance with California Education Code Section 66281.8 (b)(3)(D)(iii), if Gnomon determines that disclosure of the complainant’s identity to the respondent or the initiation of an investigation is necessary, we will inform the complainant before proceeding. Additionally, we will take immediate steps to ensure the safety of the complainant, as appropriate.
Dismissal of Formal Complaint After Investigation
- Mandatory Dismissal: Gnomon is required to dismiss the Formal Complaint if, after the investigation, the Title IX Coordinator determines that the conduct alleged does not constitute Title IX Prohibited Conduct or did not occur against a person in the United States.
- Any conduct dismissed under this Title IX Procedure that could potentially violate other Gnomon policies may be referred to the appropriate Gnomon process.
- If the Formal Complaint includes multiple claims arising from the same facts and circumstances, and the Title IX Coordinator determines that some claims fall under Title IX while others do not, all claims may be handled together under this Title IX Procedure. However, if the Title IX Coordinator determines that some claims do not arise from the same facts or circumstances, are not covered by Title IX, and could violate other Gnomon policies, those claims will be dismissed and referred to the relevant Gnomon process, while the Title IX Procedure will proceed for the covered claims only.
Discretionary Dismissal: Gnomon may dismiss the Formal Complaint under the following circumstances:
- The Respondent is no longer enrolled or employed by Gnomon;
- Specific circumstances prevent Gnomon from gathering sufficient evidence to reach a determination;
- The Complainant informs the Title IX Coordinator in writing that they wish to withdraw the Formal Complaint or the allegations contained therein.
- The Complainant may notify the Title IX Coordinator at any point that they do not wish to proceed with the Investigation and/or Hearing process. In such cases, the Title IX Coordinator will inform the Complainant that the College’s ability to respond to the allegations may be limited if the complaint is withdrawn.
- Referral: In the event of a mandatory or discretionary dismissal after the investigation, the Title IX Coordinator may refer the matter to an appropriate Gnomon policy or procedure if applicable.
- Notice of Dismissal: Upon dismissal of the Formal Complaint, Gnomon will promptly provide a Notice of Dismissal, including the reason(s) for the dismissal, to both parties. If the matter is being referred to another Gnomon process due to its nature not constituting Title IX Prohibited Conduct but potentially violating other Gnomon policies, this information will be included in the notice.
Appeals Process
Grounds for Appeal:
- Procedural Errors: Significant errors that affected the outcome.
- New Evidence: Previously unavailable evidence that could change the decision.
- Bias or Conflict of Interest: Evidence that the Title IX Coordinator or decision-makers had a conflict of interest or bias.
- Disproportionate Sanctions: The sanction does not align with the severity of the violation.
Appeals must be submitted within five (5) business days of the decision. A final decision will be issued within ten (10) business days of receiving the appeal.
Training and Prevention Programs
Training for Title IX Personnel:
All Title IX staff receive training on:
- Trauma-informed investigations
- Legal compliance, including the 2020 & 2024 Title IX regulations
- Bias prevention and fair adjudication processes
Prevention Programs:
Gnomon offers:
- Annual Title IX training for students and employees
- Bystander intervention workshops
- Awareness campaigns on consent and healthy relationships
Protection for Minors
Employees who interact with minors in College-sponsored activities must report any suspicion of abuse to the Title IX Coordinator and local child protective services, as required by California law.
False Allegations
Good-faith reports that are unsubstantiated will not result in disciplinary action. However, reports found to be intentionally false or malicious may result in disciplinary sanctions.
Resources for Victims of Sexual Violence
Local and National Resources:
- Rape Treatment Center: 424-259-7208 (available 24/7)
- RAINN (National Sexual Assault Hotline): 1-800-656-HOPE (4673)
Clery Reporting
The Clery Reporting Policy outlines Gnomon’s compliance with the Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act (Clery Act), which mandates the collection and disclosure of campus crime statistics, including incidents of sexual misconduct, domestic and dating violence, and stalking.
Contact Information
Student Affairs: studentaffairs@gnomon.edu
Policy and Procedure Overview
Gnomon is required to document and report all reports of sexual misconduct and related crimes to comply with the Clery Act. This includes reports of:
- Sexual Assault
- Domestic and Dating Violence
- Stalking
- Other Clery-defined crimes (e.g., robbery, burglary, and hate crimes)
The College’s obligation is to report campus crime statistics in the Annual Security Report (ASR) while ensuring the anonymity of individuals involved.
- Statistical Reporting: No personally identifiable information about the complainant or respondent will be included in Clery Act crime statistics.
- Immediate Threats: If a report discloses an immediate threat to campus safety (e.g., incidents involving the use of a weapon, force, or other life-threatening actions), Gnomon may issue a timely warning to the community. In such cases, the College will maintain confidentiality to the extent possible while prioritizing the safety of the community.
Timely Warnings:
Gnomon will issue campus alerts for incidents posing an ongoing or immediate threat but will withhold names and identifying details to protect individual privacy.
Reporting Process
Reports of sexual misconduct and Clery-reportable crimes are collected and documented by:
- The Title IX Office
- Campus Security Authorities (CSAs), including faculty, administrators, and other designated personnel
Reports submitted through these offices contribute to crime data and inform Clery Act reporting obligations.
Annual Security Report (ASR)
Gnomon’s Annual Security Report (ASR) includes:
- Statistics on Clery-reportable crimes for the previous three years
- Policies for campus safety and security
- Information on prevention programs and response protocols for crimes
The ASR is published annually and is available to the public.
Access the Annual Security Report: gnomon.edu/policies-and-disclosures
- Campus Security Authorities (CSAs): Employees with significant responsibility for student activities, including faculty, student services personnel, and campus security staff.
- Timely Warning: A notification issued to alert the campus community to Clery-defined crimes that may pose a serious or continuing threat to safety.
- Clery Reportable Locations: Incidents occurring on campus, on public property within or immediately adjacent to campus, and at Gnomon-sponsored off-campus events.
Compliance and Training
All Campus Security Authorities (CSAs) are required to undergo annual training on:
- Identifying and reporting Clery-reportable crimes
- Understanding the Clery Act’s privacy and confidentiality requirements
- Coordinating with the Title IX Office to ensure accurate data collection
Failure to comply with Clery Act reporting obligations may result in federal penalties for the institution.
Graduation Requirements
To outline the minimum academic and procedural requirements for graduation from Gnomon’s Bachelor of Fine Arts in Digital Production and Certificate in Digital Production for Entertainment programs.
Contact Information
Registrar: registrar@gnomon.edu
Program-Specific Graduation Requirements
Bachelor of Fine Arts in Digital Production (BFA)
To graduate with a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree, students must meet the following requirements:
- Credit Hours: Complete 180 quarter credit units.
- Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP):
- Qualitative Standard: Maintain a cumulative and quarterly GPA of 2.0 (C) or higher.
- Quantitative Standard: Complete the program within 1.5 times the normal program length (150% of the maximum time allotted, in alignment with Department of Education guidelines).
Certificate in Digital Production for Entertainment (DP)
To graduate with a Certificate, students must meet the following requirements:
- Credit Hours: Complete 147 quarter credit units.
- Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP):
- Qualitative Standard: Maintain a cumulative and quarterly GPA of 2.0 (C) or higher.
- Quantitative Standard: Complete the program within 1.5 times the normal program length (150% of the maximum time allotted, in alignment with Department of Education guidelines).
Graduation Procedures
Bachelor of Fine Arts in Digital Production Graduation Procedures
In addition to fulfilling the academic requirements listed above, students must complete the following steps to graduate:
- Financial Obligations: Ensure all financial obligations to the school are met.
- Graduate Interviews: Participate in required graduate interviews.
- Financial Aid Exit Interviews: Complete any necessary financial aid exit interviews.
Upon successful completion of all academic and procedural requirements, students will be awarded a Bachelor of Fine Arts in Digital Production degree from Gnomon.
Certificate in Digital Production for Entertainment Graduation Procedures
In addition to fulfilling the academic requirements listed above, students must complete the following steps to graduate:
- Financial Obligations: Ensure all financial obligations to the school are met.
- Graduate Interviews: Participate in required graduate interviews.
- Financial Aid Exit Interviews: Complete any necessary financial aid exit interviews.
Upon successful completion of all academic and procedural requirements, students will be awarded a Certificate in Digital Production for Entertainment from Gnomon.
Student Placement Support & Alumni Engagement
This policy outlines the job placement assistance and alumni engagement services offered by Gnomon to support program students and graduates in achieving their professional goals.
Contact Information
Placement and Alumni Engagement: placement@gnomon.edu
Policy and Procedure Overview
Gnomon takes pride in its robust network of alumni working at film, game, and visual effects studios globally and consistently maintains an outstanding record of graduate placement. The Placement and Alumni Engagement Office acts as a liaison between students, alumni, and employers by promoting Gnomon to the entertainment industry and fostering relationships with studios and companies to expand career opportunities.
While Gnomon offers comprehensive job placement assistance to all graduates upon program completion, employment is not guaranteed.
Placement and Alumni Engagement Services
The Placement and Alumni Engagement Office provides the following services:
- Career Counseling: One-on-one professional advisement to help students identify and pursue career paths.
- Demo Reel, Resume, and Portfolio Reviews: Guidance in creating and refining marketable application materials that highlight technical and artistic strengths.
- Job Search Strategies: Support in researching professional employment opportunities and navigating the job market.
- Industry Connections: Facilitation of introductions to active employers and access to networking opportunities within the entertainment industry.
- Job Opportunity Postings: Regular sharing of employer job postings via alumni social media groups and official platforms.
- Referrals: Personalized referrals to available employment opportunities through Gnomon’s network of studios and entertainment companies.
Graduate Success and Alumni Engagement
Gnomon remains dedicated to fostering long-term professional relationships with its graduates:
- Alumni are encouraged to stay connected with the Placement and Alumni Engagement Office for ongoing career support.
- Alumni events, workshops, and studio networking sessions are hosted regularly to facilitate professional growth, community engagement, and collaboration.
Career Development Events (CDEV)
The Placement and Alumni Engagement Office organizes Career Development Events (CDEV) to connect rising graduates and recent alumni with industry professionals from major studios and entertainment companies.
Key Features of CDEV:
- On-campus and virtual events featuring recruiters and studio representatives from the film, game, and visual effects industries.
- Exclusive opportunities for employers to review student demo reels and portfolios and provide constructive feedback.
- Discussions with employers on emerging technologies, upcoming industry trends, and hiring needs.
- In addition to major film and game studios, CDEV events include employers from related industries, such as advertising, virtual reality, and design, to broaden career opportunities for graduates.
CDEV Benefits for Graduates:
- Direct insight into current and future employment opportunities.
- Guidance on crafting competitive application materials and marketable demo reels.
- Practical interview preparation to help graduates present themselves confidently to recruiters.
- Continuous communication with the Placement and Alumni Engagement Office and peer graduates for career updates and advice.
Employer Preview Days
Employer Preview Days provide employers with an opportunity to meet graduates and review their demo reels in person or virtually.
Key Elements of Employer Preview Days:
- Graduates present their work in a structured format that showcases their expertise in areas such as modeling, texturing, animation, lighting, and effects.
- Employers can directly engage with graduates, assess their portfolios, and discuss potential employment opportunities.
- Preview Days create a professional environment for graduates to network with recruiters and gain insight into current industry expectations.
Placement Statistics
For the most up-to-date placement statistics or additional information about job placement services, please contact the Placement and Alumni Engagement Office at placement@gnomon.edu.
Student Work Usage & Rights
The purpose of this policy is to outline Gnomon’s rights regarding the use of student work and to clarify student responsibilities when using school resources. This policy protects Gnomon’s ability to showcase student achievements while safeguarding both the institution and the students' intellectual property rights.
Contact Information
Education: education@gnomon.edu
Policy and Procedure Overview
Ownership and Use of Student Work
Gnomon reserves the right to retain any and all student work produced during enrollment for purposes of marketing, exhibition, publication, or display around campus, in the Student Gallery, and across digital platforms. By enrolling and participating in Gnomon programs, students grant the institution a perpetual, royalty-free license to use, reproduce, distribute, and publicly display their work for promotional, educational, and non-commercial purposes.
Collaborative and sponsored projects may be subject to shared or exclusive ownership by Gnomon. The terms of ownership and usage will be outlined through specific agreements as applicable.
Students retain ownership of any intellectual property they created prior to enrollment. However, any modifications, additions, or derivative works created using Gnomon resources may fall under this policy.
Non-Commercial Use and Third-Party Sharing
Gnomon’s use of student work is limited to non-commercial purposes, such as promotional materials, social media posts, school events, and industry showcases. Gnomon will not sell or license student work to third parties without the student’s explicit written consent unless the work is part of a collaborative educational project or showcase event.
Modifications for Display
Gnomon reserves the right to make minor edits to student work, such as cropping, resizing, or color corrections, to enhance the display format while maintaining the original integrity of the work.
Lab and Facility Usage Restrictions
Gnomon labs and facilities are for educational purposes only and may not be used for any paid production work. Unauthorized use of Gnomon resources for commercial projects is strictly prohibited to ensure fair and equal access for all students. Students found using lab resources for unauthorized purposes may face disciplinary action, including suspension of lab access or academic penalties.
Protection of Sensitive or Private Student Work
Students working on projects that include sensitive personal information or client-based content must notify their instructor or Student Affairs if they believe the work should be exempt from public display. Gnomon will evaluate these requests and may adjust the display policy to protect student privacy and confidentiality as appropriate.
Disclaimer of Liability
Gnomon is not responsible for the loss, theft, or accidental deletion of student work stored on school systems or devices. Students are strongly encouraged to back up their work externally.
Students are responsible for using Gnomon’s hardware, software, and lab spaces in accordance with school guidelines. Any damage caused by negligence or misuse may result in the student being held financially responsible for repairs or replacements.
Dispute Resolution
In the event of a dispute regarding the use or ownership of student work, Gnomon and the student agree to pursue internal resolution processes or mediation before seeking external legal remedies.
Publications and Media Coverage
Gnomon may feature student work in promotional materials, press releases, and social media posts to highlight student achievements and school events.
Students who prefer not to have their work displayed on specific platforms, such as social media, may opt out by submitting a written request to Student Affairs.
Confidentiality of Collaborative Projects
Collaborative projects that involve sensitive external partnerships, such as with industry sponsors, may require students to sign additional non-disclosure agreements to protect proprietary information.
Consent and Acknowledgment
Students must acknowledge their understanding and acceptance of this policy as part of the enrollment process. Written consent forms will be provided during orientation or registration, confirming agreement to the terms outlined in this policy.
Re-Entry for Formerly Enrolled Program Students
The re-entry policy provides an opportunity for students who withdrew from a Gnomon program to return and complete their studies. The policy ensures that returning students meet Gnomon’s academic standards and mission.
Contact Information
Admissions: admissions@gnomon.edu
Policy and Procedure Overview
Eligibility and Process:
- Students must have left the college in good standing and earned Gnomon course credits within the last five (5) years.
- Transfer Credit: Courses with a minimum grade of 2.0 (C) are eligible for transfer. Due to technological advancements or changes in curriculum, some courses may need to be retaken even if previously passed.
Application Process:
- Applications are reviewed based on the portfolio, prior academic performance, and other relevant factors. Admission is space-dependent.
- Additional reviews and approvals may be required from the Education Office, Student Affairs, Financial Aid, Registrar, and other relevant offices.
- Students withdrawn for failure to meet SAP must follow the Application for Academic Reinstatement After SAP Non-Compliance policy.
Submission Requirements:
- Personal statement, portfolio of prior and new work, and transcripts from Gnomon and any other institutions attended after leaving Gnomon.
- A non-refundable Re-entry Application Fee of $125.00.
All financial or administrative holds must be cleared before the application can be processed.