Students at Gnomon have access to a wide range of comprehensive services designed to provide holistic support and help them succeed throughout and beyond their educational experience.
Academic Mentoring Center (AMC)
Academic Mentorship provides support and motivation to address student needs and enhance overall student satisfaction. As advocates for students, mentors provide academic advisement, tutoring, advice on managing course loads, information on career options, and more. The AMC is staffed by faculty and education leads with years of industry and teaching experience and is open to students by appointment during regular business hours.
To set an appointment with an Academic Mentor, please email amc@gnomon.edu or the appropriate AMC member directly.
Library & Learning Resource Center
The Gnomon Library offers students a variety of resources to support them in the pursuit of their educational and professional goals. Students are welcome to browse the collections for art books, reference materials, trade and industry magazines, and other media. There are also many online resources available through the Student Portal, making it easy to access resources on-campus or off.
Contact the Library via email at library@gnomon.edu for help with checking out Library materials or accessing the online resources.
Student Store
The Gnomon Store sells art supplies and Gnomon merchandise such as t-shirts, hooded sweatshirts, and hats. Gnomon is proud to promote and sell books and other works authored by Gnomon-affiliated artists. The Gnomon Store is open Tuesday through Thursday from 10:00 AM - 4:00 PM and during some special events.
For more information, please contact store@gnomon.edu.
Gnomon Workshop Subscription
Program students at Gnomon are provided with full-access subscriptions to the Gnomon Workshop for the entirety of their enrollment. The Gnomon Workshop provides an extensive library of online educational videos from professional artists covering a diverse range of tools, software, and media.
For more information, contact the Library via email at library@gnomon.edu.
Health Insurance Mandate
All students enrolled in a course of study at Gnomon are required to have health insurance. California law requires you to have health insurance. Unless you qualify for an exemption, you will be required to pay a tax penalty if you go without health insurance in California. The California law took effect on January 1, 2020. To avoid the California tax penalty, you must have what California considers “minimal essential coverage” (MEC) or prove your eligibility for an exemption.
For health care coverage options visit: Healthcare.gov
International Students seeking health insurance options should reach out to Student Affairs for more information.
Virtual Care
Gnomon has a partnership with TimelyCare, aimed at providing enrolled program (BFA/DP) students with free and equitable access to an array of virtual care and well-being tools through the TimelyCare platform. TimelyCare is renowned for its comprehensive clinical care, cutting-edge technology, and expert guidance, all geared toward supporting the well-being of students. This partnership is designed to foster a healthier campus community by offering seamless and interconnected healthcare services.
Gnomon program students can take full advantage of TimelyCare's offerings by accessing their user-friendly webpage or smartphone app. This platform provides access to an extensive range of virtual care options, offered by licensed physicians and counselors spanning all 50 states. Importantly, these services are available to students at no cost, regardless of their insurance coverage.
The services available through TimelyCare include:
- MedicalNow: On-demand support for common health issues.
- TalkNow: 24/7, on-demand emotional support to talk about anything, including anxiety, relationships, depression, and school-related stressors.
- Scheduled Counseling: Choose the day, time, and mental health provider that best works for you.
- Self-Care Content: Guided self-care content, including yoga and meditation sessions, as well as group conversations with our providers on a variety of health and well-being topics.
- Peer-to-Peer Support: A place for students to share thoughts, feelings, and emotions as part of a nationwide community of students who face the same challenges.
TimelyCare operates as a secure and HIPAA-compliant platform, ensuring the privacy and confidentiality of all users.
Click here to view more about TimelyCare.
Title IX Committee
Title IX of the Higher Education Amendments of 1972, 20 US Code § 1681(a), is a federal law that prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex in education programs or activities and includes addressing sexual harassment, sexual violence, and other gender-based harassment occurring in an institution of education.
Gnomon is committed to fostering an educational and working climate free from sexual harassment, sexual assault, and sexual violence. To define conduct expectations and provide recourse for individuals whose rights have been violated, Gnomon implements strategic coordination of policies, education, and clear and equitable procedures for reporting and resolution of complaints of sexual misconduct.
For more information, email the Student Affairs office at studentaffairs@gnomon.edu.
We understand that student housing can be an integral part of your college education. Learning and living in a diverse community of like-minded peers is a transformative experience that can prepare you for your career and a lifetime of making valuable connections. We recommend students begin to explore housing options several months before their expected move-in date.
For more information, please see our Housing & Visitor’s Guide.
Financial Literacy
Gnomon’s Office of Financial Aid hosts quarterly workshops designed to promote financial literacy, covering information and best practices relating to bank accounts, credit cards, budgeting, fraud prevention, taxes, and more. These workshops focus on providing pertinent information and skills to ensure students are financially proficient prior to and post-graduation.
Disability Services
Gnomon’s Office of Student Affairs coordinates assistance regarding reasonable accommodations for students with disabilities, in compliance with state and federal laws and regulations, including the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990. Prospective and current students are encouraged to take part in this interactive process to determine and provide reasonable accommodations.
For more information about Gnomon’s policies, please contact the designated ADA/Section 504 representative, Carmen Munoz at 323.466.6663 or email studentaffairs@gnomon.edu.
Application Assistance from Admissions
International applicants for Gnomon’s full-time programs must meet the same admission requirements as U.S. citizens. In addition to the application, a Certification of Finances must be completed and submitted with the application. All documents must be accompanied by an English translation and evaluation.
All applicants are required to speak with an Admissions representative via phone or in-person to ensure that their program of interest is appropriate. Applicants from countries in which the official language is not English are required to submit official evidence of English language proficiency. Students may take individual courses at Gnomon in accordance with the rules and regulations set forth by their country of permanent residence. For clarification on the rules that apply to you, it is highly recommended that you speak with a representative at your local U.S. Embassy or Consulate before proceeding with the Gnomon application process.
For more detailed information, please view our website’s Admissions section for International students.
Student Visa Support
An international student is an individual of foreign nationality who will be entering or has already entered, the United States with a student visa. Students already residing in the United States and holding other non-immigrant visas (for instance, an E2, H2, or L2) are also considered international students. All international applicants must meet the same admissions standards as all other students (please refer to International Students Admissions Policy).
Gnomon is a SEVP-certified school and all international students wishing to study at Gnomon are required to obtain an F-1 or M-1 Student Visa to enroll and study full-time. The student’s course of study will determine whether they need an F visa or an M visa.
International students who are unsure about a policy, wish to change a course of study, travel outside of the United States, or accept employment should contact the Gnomon Principal Designated School Official (PDSO):
Carmen Munoz
Executive Director of Student Affairs and Services/Title IX Coordinator
6150 Laurel Canyon Blvd., Suite 100
North Hollywood, CA 91606