Ready to apply? Admissions Advisors are available to guide you through every step of the application process, including offering feedback on your portfolio, answering all your questions, and providing assistance along the way.
International Students
This school is authorized under Federal law to enroll nonimmigrant alien students.
International applicants for Gnomon’s full-time programs must meet the same admission requirements as U.S. citizens. In addition to the application, a Certification of Finances must be completed and submitted with the application. All documents must be accompanied by an English translation and evaluation.
All applicants are required to speak with an Admissions representative via phone or in-person to ensure that their program of interest is appropriate. Applicants from countries in which the official language is not English are required to submit official evidence of English language proficiency.
Students may take individual courses at Gnomon in accordance with the rules and regulations set forth by their country of permanent residence. For clarification on the rules that apply to you, it is highly recommended that you speak with a representative at your local U.S. Embassy or Consulate before proceeding with the Gnomon registration process.
If you have any questions regarding Gnomon’s international student policies, please contact Admissions.