Fred Durand
Co-founder of Noroc Studio
This course builds on the principles learned in Lighting and Rendering 2. Students will learn to create renders utilizing Solid Angle’s Arnold and Redshift inside of Autodesk’s Maya. Emphasis is placed on experiencing a shot-based production environment, learning the fundamentals of unbiased rendering with Arnold, and biased gpu rendering with Redshift. An in-depth look of both renderers’ materials, lights, object properties, and render settings will be taught. Classes include a mixture of weekly technical demonstrations, discussions of production workflows, project critiques, and industry tips. Students will explore various styles of shot production workflows, working towards a polished final shot sequence.
10 Weeks
Solid Angle Arnold Renderer
Autodesk Maya
Chaos Group V-Ray
The Foundry's Nuke
Lighting and Rendering 2
Art of Compositing
Co-founder of Noroc Studio
Day: Thu
Time: 1:00 PM - 4:00 PM
Date: Apr 10, 2025 - Jun 15, 2025
Location: LAB8
This class will be available to register during Open Registration.