Jongwoo Heo
Houdini Effects/TD Developer
This course builds on the principles learned in Houdini 2, and through weekly lectures, in-class practice, and out of class assignments, expands student learning in developing high-end effects animation in SideFX’s Houdini. Emphasis is placed on VEX Scripting, Point Clouds, Shading, timing control, and interactive illumination to create a lightning bolt setup. Learn to build a custom growth solver with vector math, fuzzy logic, chaos theory, and VEXpressions. Students will learn the creation of destruction with fracture patterns, vdb fracturing, boolean fracturing, and packed primitives, as well as Liquid Explosion with Flip fluids, pyro, vector math, microsolves, pyro shader, and interactive illumination. Classes include procedural simulations demonstrations and discussions of production workflows, as well as project critiques and industry tips. Students will explore various styles of effects workflows through homework assignments and work towards completing several individual projects.
10 Weeks
SideFX Houdini
Dynamic Effects 1
Houdini 1
Houdini 2
Houdini Effects/TD Developer
Day: Sat
Time: 7:00 PM - 10:00 PM
Date: Apr 12, 2025 - Jun 15, 2025
Location: LAB9
This class will be available to register during Open Registration.